Remember those fond memories of summers spent in a canoe with your friends at summer camp? You might or might not remember or have experienced it but either way summer camps offer a fabulous venue for a rustic wedding. We really could have come up with a list of about 100 reasons why we think a summer camp is the perfect spot to host your wedding but we figured it was better to consolidate and give you our top 5. Looking for your perfect rustic wedding venue? Look no further than our Rustic Wedding Guide which will match you up perfectly with vendors and venues for your special rustic chic wedding. Need more summer camp wedding inspiration? We have an entire section dedicated to this specific type of wedding, view it here.
1. They Are Rustic In Nature
Summer camps are almost always tucked away in some picturesque location. Either located on a lake, at the base of a mountain or just surrounded by open land, camps are always rustic in nature. Clearly, if you are thinking of hosting a summer camp wedding than you are going for a rustic look and don’t be fooled you can have a summer camp wedding filled with elegance and sophistication.

See More From This Real Wedding / photo credit: Amber Vickery Photography

See More From This Real Wedding / photo credit: Amanda Watson Photography
2. Are Great Weekend Wedding Spots
Since most summer camps run their normal camps in the high times of summer you probably are looking at the space being available in early spring, late summer and in the fall. Summer camps are used to housing high numbers of visitors so chances are for a fee you can rent out the cabins and bunks for your wedding guests. How fun would it be to host an entire wedding weekend starting on a Thursday or Friday and going right on through the weekend. This would give you the opportunity to plan fun festivities such as a welcome picnic, rehearsal dinner BBQ and a bonfire s’mores night and more.

See More From This Real Wedding / photo credit: Bethany & Dan Photography

See More From This Real Wedding / photo credit: Jennifer Bakos Photography

See More From Real Wedding / photo credit: Jennifer Bakos Photography
3. They Offer A Full Range Of Activities
Yoga on the dock, canoes rides followed by swimming and relaxing are just a few of the many activities your guests could enjoy at a summer camp. For the sports minded crowd you could hold a family baseball game or a college friends volleyball game – as many activities as you want to create your summer camp location can probably handle it.

See More From Real Wedding / photo credit: Jennifer Bakos Photography

See More From Real Wedding / photo credit: Bethany & Dan Photography
4. Lots Of Wide Open Spaces
Looking to host a tented wedding then a summer camp might be the spot for you. You don’t have to host your wedding reception in a summer camp lodge you can use the expansive grounds a camp has to offer to construct the type of wedding that you have always dreamed of. Thanks to the large quantities of space available at summer camps you probably don’t have to cut your guests list down and that might make your future mother in law very happy!

See More From This Real Wedding / photo credit: Bethany & Dan Photography
5. Fun Photo Opportunities
Lets face it, getting good photographs at your wedding is a must. By selecting a summer camp as your wedding backdrop you have just given yourself a pretty good chance at scoring some fabulous pics. Think about having all your bridesmaids line up on the pier or take a ride with your new spouse in a canoe for a quick photo op. I bet you can come up with 50 different fun and rustic wedding picture ideas just by looking around your summer camp wedding location.

See More From This Real Wedding / photo credit: Jennifer Bakos Photography

See More From This Real Wedding / photo credit: Ashley Brokop Photography
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